Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tomorrow's Trash day

Yeah so I have five Trash cans that I have to drag out the front of my house tonight after I get back from Culver City tonight. Two trash cans, Two recycling, and one green waste can. Speaking of the front of my house. I recently found out by my girlfriend that our our house is in a movie. She was talking to one of the neighbors and they started in with a tale of a movie being shot on our street in the early nineties. The Neighbors said that they shot a couple interior scenes in their house and a couple of shots on the street that we live on, and our neighbor to the right of us whole front yard was in a shot. Its really not that big of a deal. It's only the 1990 David Lynch romance Wild At Heart. Yep that's Right kids, and the actor in he filmed in these scenes was the one and only Crispin Glover as the provocative Cousin Del.
The neighbors didn't know exactly what scene in the movie it was. I had a hunch as I have loved this movie since I was in high school. Bobby Peru had been a very influential figure in my theory and application of romance while courting women in my early bird dogging days.
As I mentioned before I'm getting married soon, so there still must be some magic in the well picked words and actions of Willem Defoes character.
I got home last night about 2:30 in the morning after 
Checked the mail and wouldn't you know it Wild At Heart was in my netflix!
So I smoked some shit and watched it to reconfirm my hunch and wouldn't you know it. 
You can see one of my windows from my house in the seen. Man'o'man Alive!
Toked and stoked.
I found the seen on You tube but it's in spanish.
Cause this blog is fucking Arthouse to the friggin Max!

1 comment:

Jason Ramos said...

Did I ever tell ya that this here jacket represents a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom?